
Welcome to Reception


Our staff are:
Ash – Ms Aiyesha Thomas
Birch – Miss Lucy Eraclis
Oak – Mrs Emma Hickman

Support staff in Reception:
HLTA – Julie Hewlitt
Early Years Practitioners – Ayten Mehmet, Sevim Ozminnos
LSAs – Duran Osman, Michelle Crooks

Key Information

Ash Class – Moving to Reception – Transition Book
PE day – Friday, wear PE kit to school
Homework – Given out Fridays, due in by Wednesday
Reading – Practice reading phonetic sounds daily. Move onto phonic home reading books when ready, to be changed weekly. Bedtime story books changed weekly in class.
Expectations – Spare clothes bag to be kept in school at all times, Water bottle with name on, Book bags to be brought in daily. Wear weather appropriate clothing as we encourage children to play outside in most weather conditions. Black shoes with no laces.

Homework Spelling Curriculum Map Useful Websites

Parent Meetings

Educational Visits