
At Prince of Wales we believe that children need to have a safe, nurturing environment where children can develop their awe and wonder of the world. We aim to provide a stimulating, child centred place of learning that promotes an independent, confident and happy child with a passion for learning.


Hello Nursery

Our Nursery is based in The Woodlands building.


Nursery Curriculum

Nursery Curriculum map 2024 Autumn

We have so much fun in Nursery!

We have been cooking….


Making cupcakes!

Cracking the eggs!


Adding the ingredients carefully!


Making Pizza!




Learning in Nursery

At Prince of Wales Primary school we believe that our EYFS is crucial in developing firm foundations to be built upon through our school journey and beyond. It is our intent that the children who enter our EYFS develop physically, verbally, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and learning in order for each child to achieve their fullest potential.

Our Curriculum is based on The Early Years Framework where we focus on these seven main areas:

Communication and Language
Physical development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Expressive arts

We implement these areas of learning by providing a child centred, safe and stimulating environment that allows children to discover, be challenged , consolidate and achieve their very best while developing resilience and independence.

At the very heart of our curriculum are the Characteristics of Effective Learning. We aim to develop these key characteristics of Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creative and Critical Thinking so that the children have these key skills to help them learn and grow into lifelong learners.

Our indoor and outdoor learning environments are continually adapted to meet the developing needs and interests of our children. Our outdoor area is just as important as our indoor classroom and children use this every day, even if it is raining!

All children are regularly assessed through observation and parents are informed of their next steps through our weekly and termly meetings. We will use the term ’emerging ‘ or ‘expected’ when describing our judgements.


EYFS Policy

Click here to read our EYFS Policy


Information for Parents

Morning Place 8.30 – 11.30 (8.30-8.45 Soft Start and 11.15 – 11.30 Soft End).
Afternoon Space 12.15- 3.15 (12.15-12.30 Soft Start and 3.00 – 3.15 Soft End)
We have a limited number of 30 hour spaces.  Please contact our school office if you are interested in a 3o hour place.
Nursery enter via Nursery gate

8.50 – 3.15 – Children are marked as late from 8.55am.
If you arrive from 8.55am please go to the office for your child to be marked in then walk back to the woodlands with your child.

Any children collected late will be sent to our late room in the main school and the schools’ late collection policy will be followed.


Breakfast Club and After School Club:
Before school we have a Breakfast Club for Reception children which runs from 07:30 to 08:45 please see the main school office for details.

We have Walkers After School Club running every day in our school for our children. Please see the main school office for more details.

How to apply for a place at our Nursery and Reception:

If you would like to apply for a place at our school please click on this link to contact Enfield admissions for details of when to apply for a Nursery or Reception place.


Are you not able to come to nursery?  Please see the grid below for some fun things to do at home while you are away.

Click here if your child is unable to come to Nursery


Your child will be bringing home a Bedtime Storybook every week. This is for you to read at home to your child.


We start phonics in Nursery. Please click on the link below to help your child with our phonics song and RWI reading programme.

Phonics Song 

Our RWI phonics scheme  information for parents 

Do you like reading stories?  Click on the following link to claim your free BookTrust pack. 

BookTrust Parent Sign-Up

Reading is fun! ​Click here to listen to lots of stories read by all the wonderful staff at Prince of Wales: 

Quotes from our parents

“I am very happy with the support and advice the teachers have given me regarding my child’s development. I also have found the parenting sessions very helpful as they gave me a lot of advice that I can do to support the development of my child.”

“I am so pleased with the progress my child has made in school. He is always so pleased and excited about everything he does in school.”

“ I am so happy with the progress she has made this year! She has really come a long way from when she started.”

“ Since my child started Reception, I have seen a big improvement in her writing and reading. Her teacher has been a great teacher and support to my child. She has always kept me informed of anything I needed to know regarding her. She has had a great year at Prince of Wales!”

“ As usual I come into my child’s class for parent’s evening and I am overfilled with joy and happiness to see the amazing work she has done and to see her play. It really is such a special moment and I thank her teachers for all their hard work. my child loves you and I do too.”


Outdoor Learning

Our Outdoor area is a very important part of our provision and children have access to this every day. As part of our EYFS framework, we are required to have the children play outside every day. Even when it is cold or raining. We ask that all parents provide warm clothing in colder months and wellington boots that stay in school at all times. If your child is in Nursey we ask that you provide the children with plimsolls for the inside also. Please ensure your child’s name is on everything – even shoes.

Open day

Before your child starts school in September you will have the opportunity to come and spend some time with us. If you are thinking of applying for a school place with us then we welcome you by showing you around our wonderful environment. Please contact the school office number where we will be happy to show you around Nursery and Reception.

Home Visits

Once you have been offered a place at our Nursery or Reception, we will arrange a visit with you and your child at home. This allows your child to get to know nursery staff at home where they feel most comfortable and secure.

Two members of staff will come on the home visit, one of who will be your child’s key person. Typically a home visits lasts for 20 – 25  minutes.
We believe that the home visit is most beneficial in helping the children to settle into school life more easily.
Do tell us if you have any worries about, for example, eating or sleeping habits.
They could affect your child’s ability to learn and a discussion often helps.
The home visit is an essential part of preparing your child for school.
Children often talk about this during their time in school with fondness, and it establishes the link between home and school working together for the children’s education and happiness.

Settling  into the Nursery

We have a staggered intake in our Nursery and Reception Classes. The Staff  here will inform you of your child’s first day.  It is important for parents/carers to stay with new children until they are settled into the Nursery. If your child is in Reception then you will be able to leave your child. All new children stay for one hour only on their first day and their key person will advise you at the end of their first day how long they will stay for the next day. We work with parents/carers in deciding when the child should be left unaccompanied. For some children, the transition from home to school is easy whilst we also recognise that some children will require more time and support to begin to be more confident and independent when their parents are not present.

Sick children

If your child is unwell please keep them at home until they are better and inform the office. In cases of diarrhoea / vomiting our policy is that children should be kept off from school for 48 hours since their last incident. If your child has any allergies or other medical conditions it is important to let staff know, so that the necessary precautions and procedures can be followed. If your child catches an infectious disease such as chicken pox, measles, mumps etc please inform the school by phone so that we can inform other parents and alert them to any symptoms their child may show.

In the case of illness or accidents we may have to contact you during the day, please let us know if you change your phone number at work or at home. Please let us know the reasons for absences so that we can keep the registers annotated as required by law.

Key Person

Your child will be assigned their own key person. A key person forms  a stronger link with your child and you as a family. We will let you know who the key person for your child will be once they start Nursery/ Reception. You will be informed of who your child’s key person is when they start school.


In the morning and afternoon session we provide the children with a snack of milk and fruit. On very cold days we may treat them to a hot chocolate. If your child attends nursery then we are always grateful to receive breadsticks, cheese, veggie sticks and other healthy snacks for us to share. Please do not bring in extra snacks for your child to have in school.


EYFS Booklist


How can you help your child at home?

Make time to talk through what your child has done that day.
Share books, songs and games with your child, and talk about them together.
Talk to your child, introducing new words whenever you can. Children learning English as an additional language need first to develop confidence in their home language.
Help your child to recognize shapes, colours, numbers and words in familiar places such as food packets, street signs and advertisements.
Provide opportunities for your child to investigate and ask questions about the world around.
Encourage your child to use pens, pencils, chalk, paints and simple tools, such as scissors.
Write your child’s name and help him or her to recognise it.
Introduce the language of counting during activities such as cooking and shopping.
Provide opportunities for running, climbing and chasing.

Let your child enjoy and invent sounds, words, songs, music and rhymes.


Useful Websites:              


Youtube    Nursery rhymes or traditional stories.

Bookstart  (Information for parents)

Reception  ( for a free trial) ( log in – for free) Gives you access to hundreds of online books to read with your child. ( school has paid for your log in fee)

Youtube    The Reading Machine, Letters and Sounds (phonics articulation or phonics song )


Family Learning

BBC schools website