Weekly Board Games
We recognise the great benefits that playing boardgames has for children. That is why we have scheduled a dedicated 20-30 minute slot on our weekly timetable since September 2021. The boardgames we play are carefully selected to support the development of social skills, communication, mathematical and strategic development. They also include games that relate to the variety of cultural heritage within our our school community. Each half term, all classes learn and practice a particular boardgame so that by the end of the year they have been exposed to 6 different games. The following year, they learn new games and repeat some others. We have noticed the difference in how children build relationships with each other and adults, how they manage winning or losing, their ability to follow rules, concentrate longer and remember more. It is a joy walking around the school towards the end of the school week and observe the enthusiasm, conversations and concentration in classes. We wholeheartedly recommend investing in a boardgame; for birthdays, celebrating a religious festival, achieving a particular milestone or just as a special treat. Other games not listed below include: Dobble, Mancala, card games, 24-Game, Set. We are always looking out for more games to add to our children’s repertoire – suggestions welcome.
This is the planned schedule of games for 2024-2025:
2024-2025 |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
1T |
Dominoes | Top Trumps | I Spy /Pictureka | Memory Games & Lotto | Guess Who | Happy Families |
1S |
I Spy /Pictureka | Dominoes | Top Trumps | Happy Families | Memory Game s& Lotto | Guess Who |
1G |
Top Trumps | I Spy /Pictureka | Dominoes | Guess Who | Happy Families | Memory Games & Lotto |
2M |
Memory Games & Lotto | Happy Families | Guess Who | Dominoes | I Spy /Pictureka | Top Trumps |
2G |
Guess Who | Memory Game s& Lotto | Happy Families | Top Trumps | Dominoes | I Spy /Pictureka |
2F |
Happy Families | Guess Who | Memory Games& Lotto | I Spy /Pictureka | Top Trumps | Dominoes |
3H |
Draughts | Ludo | Shut the box | 24 game | Battleships | Bananagrams |
3F |
Shut the box | Draughts | Ludo | Bananagrams | 24 game | Battleships |
3W |
Ludo | Shut the box | Draughts | Battleships | Bananagrams | 24 game |
4A |
Bananagrams | Articulate | Battleships | Draughts | Ludo | Shut the box |
4L |
Articulate | Battleships | Bananagrams | Shut the box | Draughts | Ludo |
4H |
Battleships | Bananagrams | Articulate | Ludo | Shut the box | Draughts |
5S |
Chess | Ubongo | Stratego | Scrabble | Hnefatafl
Viking Game |
Backgammon |
5G |
Stratego | Chess | Ubongo | Articulate | Scrabble | Hnefatafl
Viking Game |
5T |
Ubongo | Stratego | Chess | Hnefatafl
Viking Game |
Articulate |
Scrabble |
6D |
Viking Game |
Scrabble | Articulate | Chess | Ubongo |
Stratego |
6C |
Articulate | Hnefatafl
Viking Game |
Scrabble | Ubongo | Chess | Code Breaker |
6F |
Scrabble | Articulate | Hnefatafl
Viking Game |
Stratego | Backgammon | Chess |