Previous Weeks Y2

Week beginning 13th July


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 a    set 2 air    set 3 ear


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 m    set 2 or    set 3 ire


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 a    set 2 air    set 3 ear


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

No phonics today! Please read your favourite book with an adult and send pictures to your teacher.


Friday (optional learning)

Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning



Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 sh      set 2 ee    set 3 ur


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 th    set 2 igh    set 3 er


Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Wednesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 ch    set 2 ow    set 3 ow


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 qu    set 2 oo poo    set 3 ai


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 ng    set 2 oo book    set 3 oa






Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

You can also find part one of the story for your writing task here: Anansi and the moss-covered rock part1

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

Phonics set 1 v      Phonics set 2 air      Phonics set 3 i-e


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 y    Phonics set 2 ir    Phonics set 3 o-e


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

You can also read part 2 of your for your writing task here: Anansi and the moss-covered rock part 2

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 y      Phonics set 2 ir    Phonics set 3 o-e


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 z    set 2 oy    set 3 aw


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics for today:

set 1 x      set 2 ay      set 3 are

Week beginning 22nd June


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 j    set 2      set 3 a-e


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics.

set 1 r    set 2 ar    set 3 oi


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Please click to on the links below to practise your phonics.

set 1 h      set 2 oo book     set 3 ea   or  set 3 oo poo


Please click on the the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 l      set 2 oo poo     set 3 ea


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 e      set 2 ow    set 3 ear

Week beginning 15th June


Please click on the link to see today’s learning activities. Friday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 f      set 2 igh (3)      set 3 ire


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 b    set 2 ee      set 3 ew


Please click on the link to see today’s learning activities. Wednesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 u      set 2 ay      set 3 oa


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

You can read the book ‘Gregory Cool’ for our English tasks here: Gregory Cool

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics.

set 1 k    set 2 oy    set 3 ai


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 c      set 2 ou      set 3 ow (1)



Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 o      set 2 ir      set 3 er


Please click on the link to see today’s home learning. Thursday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 g        set 2 air            set 3 ur


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 p        set 2 or    set 3 are


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 n    set 2 ar    set 3 aw


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics:

set 1 i        set 2 oo book        set 3 u-e



Please click on the link to see today’s learning activities. Friday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics.

set 1 t        set 2 oo         set 3 o-e


Please click on the link to see today’s learning activities. Thursday home learning


Please click on the link to see today’s learning activities. Wednesday home learning


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Phonics set 1 a Phonics set 2 ee Phonics set 3 oi


Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics

Phonics set 1 m   Phonics set 2 ay    Phonics set 3 ea



Week 5 – beginning 18th May 2020



Please click below for phonics practise

Phonics set 1 u    Phonics set 2 ay        Phonics set 3 oa


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise phonics

Phonics Set 1 K    Phonics Set 2 oy  Phonics set 3 ai


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise phonics

Phonics Set 1 C    Phonics Set 2 OU    Phonics Set 3 OW


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise phonics

Phonics Set 1 nk     Phonics Set 2 ar    Phonics Set 3 ire


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practice phonics

Phonics Set 1 ng    Phonics Set 2 oo    Phonics Set 3 ew

VE Day – Friday 8th May

Please celebrate VE Day at home with your family on Friday 8th May.  We would love to see photographs of your celebrations that we can include in the newsletter over the next few weeks. There are lots of ideas of how to make war time cakes and bunting and a suggestion of having a indoor family picnic in the link below.  Don’t forget we learnt lots of wartime song in assembly – maybe you can teach one of these to someone at home!

VE Day

Bunting Template

How to make your Great British bunting step by step

VE Day 2020 EYFS

VE Day activites 7th 8th May (1)




Please click on the link to see today’s learning activities.Thursday home learning

Please click on the links below for phonics

Phonics Set 1 ch   Phonics Set 2 ow   Phonics Set 3 ai


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Please click on the links below for phonics

Phonics Set 1 th    Phonics Set 2 igh   Phonics Set 3 aw


Please click on the links to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics

Phonics set 1 sh    Phonics Set 2 ee      Phonics Set 3 er


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Please click on the links below to practise your phonics

Phonics Set 1 x        Phonics Set 2 ay     Phonics set 3 ur








Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Thursday home learning

Please click on the links to practise phonics

Phonics set 1 z      Phonics set 2 oy    Phonics set 3 are


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Please click on the links below for phonics

Phonics set 1 w    Phonics set 2 ou    Phonics set 3 aw


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Click on the links below to practise your phonics

Phonics set 1 y    Phonics set 2 ur    Phonics set 3 u-e


Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Monday home learning

Click on the links below to practise your  phonics

Phonics set 1 v      Phonics set 2 air    Phonics set 3 o-e





Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning

Click on the link below to practise your phonics

Phonics set 1 J    Phonics set 2 or    Phonics set 3 i-e


Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Thursday home learning

Click on the link’s below to practise your phonics.

Phonics set 1 r   Phonics set 2 ar    Phonics set 3 a-e


Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Wednesday home learning

Click on the links below to practise your phonics.

Phonics set 1 h    Phonics set 2 oo   Phonics set 3 oi


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Click on the links to practise your phonics

Phonics set 1 L      Phonics set 2 oo    Phonics set 3 ea



Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Monday home learning

Click on the links below to practise your phonics.

Phonics set 1 e      Phonics set 2 ow challenge      Phonics Set 3 ear




Please click on the link to see today’s activities.Friday home learning

Practise your sounds using the links below

Phonics set 1 f    Phonics set 2 igh  Phonics set 3 ire


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

Set 1 phonics b          Set 2 phonics ee    Set 3 Phonics ew


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Please practise your sounds using the links below.

Set 1 phonics u     Set 2 Phonics ay   Set 3 phonics oa


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Please practice your sounds using the links below.

Tuesday 21 April phonics set 1 k     Tuesday 21 April phonics set 2 oy    Tuesday 21 April phonics set 3 ai


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Please look at the links below to continue to practise your sounds.

Monday phonics set 1 C    Monday phonics set 2 ou Monday phonics set 3 ow



WEEK 2 – BEGINNING 30.03.2020


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning

Friday 3rd April Phonics    Friday April 3rd Phonics extra   


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning

Thursday 2nd April Phonics  Thursday April 2nd phonics extra oi


Please click the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning

Wed 1 st April phonics        Wed April 1st Phonics extra


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning

Tuesday phonics 31.3.20  Click here for extra phonics  Tuesday 31.3.20 phonics extra


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning

Mon 30 March Phonics Practice    For more phonics challenges click here Mon 30 phonics extra



Week 1- beginning 23.03.2020


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Friday home learning

Friday 27 Phonics

If you would like to have extra phonics please click here Friday 27 Phonics extra


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Thursday home learning


Please click here for phonics practice  week 1 phonics wed 25th March

Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Wednesday home learning


Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Tuesday home learning


To access phonics practice for this week, please click here  Phonics year 2

Please click on the link to see today’s activities. Monday home learning