
Nursery admissions

At Prince of Wales Primary School we have an amazing nursery where we are able to offer 60 places. We accept applications for our nursery provision all year round and welcome prospective parents to come and visit our school. Please contact the school office via email:

For 3-4 year-olds

All families are eligible for free part time places (15 hours for 38 weeks)
Some families will be eligible for free full time day care (30 hours for 38 weeks) 
If additional hours are required, please contact the school office.
You can check your free full time day care eligibility here.

If you are not eligible for free 30 hours you can use your 15 hours and purchase extra sessions.

How to apply

All admissions are through the Enfield Admissions Department. Parents can find out about our school’s admission arrangements through this department by clicking here
Whilst the majority of applications are usually made between 1st September and 15th January to secure a nursery place for the following September, we are happy to accept applications all year round.

Next steps

If there is an oversubscription, we use specific criteria to decide which children should be offered places (after the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school).  You will be informed of the outcome of your application as soon as possible.  The office will be happy to answer any questions. Please note that having a place in our nursery does not guarantee admission to the school’s reception class.  A separate application must be made for a reception place.

School admission

We currently have 90 places available in each year group across the rest of the school. Please note that parents must re-apply for their nursery child to secure a place in Reception. Children are admitted to Reception at the start of the academic year in which they turn four.


Nursery and Reception staff visit the homes of new pupils before they start school, so that we can find out as much as possible about each child in order to best meet their needs. Children start by visiting the school with their parent/carer and build up gradually over several days until they are ready to attend full time. Staff consult parents and carers constantly to ensure the start of school is a happy experience for every child.


For more information, you can also view our 
primary school booklet (PDF)

For further information about applying online, see our step by step guide (PDF).

Casual Admissions

New parents and carers of children joining our school after September, meet with a member of our team. This enables the family to find out about our school and also ensures that we have all the information we require to meet your child’s needs. We also contact the child’s previous school so that teachers are well-informed. The Home/School Agreement we share with you sets out expectations of parents and carers, pupils and the school, and must be signed by all parties before the child starts with us.


We know that good attendance improves children’s academic achievements and developments, and are committed to ensuring that children attend school every day, and start on time. If your child is too ill to attend school or has a medical appointment, then you should inform the School Office on the first day of absence before 8:30am. Our attendance officer follows up pupil absences each day and we work closely with Enfield Local Education Authority to ensure good attendance rates.

Please note that it is school policy NOT to give permission for any absence for holidays during term time.

Children are expected to be on time to school, and we operate a very strict monitoring system for pupils who arrive after 8:45am. Please make sure your child is collected on time at the end of the day – it can be very distressing for a child not to know when parents are coming. If you are delayed for any reason, please telephone the school to let us know as soon as possible.