Governing Body

Message from the Chair of Governors – Laraine Hodgson

It is an honour and privilege to have been elected as Chair of Governors at Prince of Wales.

It has always been my belief that if children are happy then they will learn. To that end, I believe that it is vital for home and school work in partnership to ensure the children try their best to achieve, and become  the best that they can be through their thirst and eagerness for learning. Successful learning raises standards but not without the hard work of a committed whole staff team who provide a vibrant, rich and diverse curriculum at Prince of Wales. There is nothing more exciting than seeing those awe and wonder moments in children’s learning, and listening to them sharing their learning achievements with those who will listen.

It is important for Governors to know and understand the school, and through meetings and visits we work hard to provide the best support we can as ‘critical friends’, as the school continues to move forward on its ever improving journey.

Our Governors

Co-opted Governors Ms Laraine Hodgson (Chair)
Mr Tim Ennis (Vice-Chair)
Mrs Marie Greenidge
Mr Peter King
Headteacher Mr Jan M Bless
LA Governors Mr Christopher Horridge
Parent Governors Miss Muna Ali
Mrs Doreen Kange
Staff Governors Sarah Cross
Associate Members Mrs Emma Elliott-Michael
Ms Rachel Knightley
Mrs Jenny Langstaffe
Ms Susan Paddon
Mr Alexander Verrall

All Governors and staff with financial responsibility complete a declaration of business interest forms annually.
The declaration of business interest forms gives staff and Governors the opportunity to declare if they have any private or personal interests in decisions taken by the school regarding financial matters.
All forms are kept securely in the school office. These can be inspected by interested parties upon application to the Governing Body who will decide whether the interested party has a genuine reason to inspect the register.

Attendance of Governing Body

Please find the attached meeting attendance report below
Governors Attendance 2023-2024
Governors Attendance 2022-2023
Governors Attendance 2021-2022
Governors Attendance 2020-2021
Governors Attendance 2019-2020
Governors Attendance 2018-2019
Governors Attendance 2017-2018
Governors Attendance 2016-2017
Governors Attendance 2015-2016

Register of Business Interests

Please see Register Of Business Interests here

Governor election

There is currently no vacancy for Parent Governor
Declaration of Eligibility
The Role of the Parent Governor Enfield

The Clerk to the Governing Body

The Director of Education
Civic Centre
Silver Street