Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to enable all of our children to be:
- successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve;
- confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives;
- responsible global citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
Our curriculum aims to develop enjoyment and commitment to learning. It encourages the interconnected knowledge, skills and understanding needed for lifelong learning. These include English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, personal learning and social skills. We encourage learning outdoors and out of the school classroom where possible and believe in offering the children a wealth of experiences to stimulate their questioning and learning. We aim to create memorable learning experiences with planned and spontaneous experiences within and beyond the classroom and this often includes work with experts. Our school also provides a range of opportunities for out of school learning including creative arts, performing arts and sports.
We follow the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum and deliver our learning through research projects. Many of these projects lasts for half a term and include most areas of the National Curriculum.
Our curriculum
- reflects the uniqueness of our school and community
- facilitates the acquisition of a broad and diverse range of knowledge, skills and experiences for all our pupils
- is ambitious, inclusive and engaging for all learners
- provides clear routes of progressions for all pupils in all subjects
- prepares our pupils and equips them for future success and life in the wider world
- instills the school values to develop them as resilient, resourceful, caring citizens
The learning is relevant to the other children and includes research and questioning. All areas of the curriculum are covered by this approach throughout the year with Mathematics, English, RE and PE being taught separately most of the time. The children learn French. There are flexible and responsive approaches to the curriculum as children meet the challenges of life in a fast-changing world.